International Association of Silver Art Collectors

June 2017 Volume 33 No. 3

International Association of Silver Art Collectors Established 1 985


President: Doug Jennings

Petersburg, Ml

Vice President: Jim Best

Lakeland, FL

Secretary/Treasurer: Carrie Best Lakeland, FL Historian: Ed Lantz

Springfield, TN

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Michelle Burke - Palos Verdes Estates, CA Bill Doty - Phoenix, AZ Randy Rush - Summerville, GA Mike Sprouse - Cape Girardeau, MO Walter Thomas - Caladonia, Wl

The IASAC newsletter “The Silver Bugle” is published six times/year in February, April, June, August, October and December. News, articles, items and potographs pertaining to art bars or rounds are welcome. However, unsolicited material cannot be acknowledged nor returned unless accompanied with a postpaid, self-addressed envelope. Opinions published in articles are those of the author and do not neces¬ sarily represent the views of IASAC.

"The Silver Bugle" accepts advertisements for silver bar and round hobby-related items. The IASAC and advertisers may not be held responsible for a typographical error if any shall occur including price and/or description.



Full Page - $25 (non-member $37.50)

Half Page - $1 5 (non-member $22.50)

Quarter Page - $10 (non-member $15)

Classified Page - 25b per word (minimum 30 words) Members receive one FREE 30 word classified advertisement with annual membership; redeemable any time thoughout the year.

Mail all advertisements along with payment to: IASAC PO Box 5202 Lakeland, FL 33807-5202 Attn: Carrie Best

Next Bugle deadline: July 10, 2017


President’s Page - A.K.A.

Mindless Meanderings

by Doug Jennings


Back in March of 2017, I was looking at different offerings on eBay. Of course, one of the areas I was checking out was silver art whether it be a bar, round, tringot, or whatever. In this case, it was books. I came across an interesting offering of two different publications that related to our club and hobby, flow, I've always been a strong believer that one should buy the book before buying the coin. So, the two items offered were the 1993 revised supplement to the 5th edition edited by Steven M. Rood and Nancy Yee with the serial #478, and the other “book” was the 1975 copyrighted edition of the United States Silver Corp. Catalog of Art Bar Issues, pub¬ lished by the United States Silver Corporation of Van Nuys, CA. Talk about a trip back in time!

Let me start with the 1993 supplement. I have always tried to have a fresh and unused copy for my collecting interests. With all the different areas I have collected, it usually meant that I would have a “working” copy and a “show” copy. I found out early in my numismatic career that when you used a reference book as part of your exhibit, the judges preferred that it was pristine. The first exhibit I ever did was for VAM Morgan dollars. I had a copy of the Leroy Van Allen and A. George Mallis book that both of the au¬ thors had autographed for me at different times and in different locations. It was a book with Morgan and Peace dollar varieties. I was marked down because of the writing in the book. Then and there I decided that would not happen again. I kept that original book as my ledger book to record my dif¬ ferent purchases of each variety-the when, the where, the how much, and from whom it was purchased, I did that with my German coin pattern col¬ lection and the book by Rudolph Schaaf, my So-Called Dollar book, my other collections, and finally, my Kidd books. I nad Archie, Nancy, and Steve Rood autograph the first one which I believe was the 4th edition. Duane Spellman sold me my 4th edition and maybe my 5th edition book, I think. By the time this supplement went to print, I received my copy with my mem¬ bership # in the lower right hand corner.

As I look through this new copy for my library, I see the pieces that I have added to my personal collection over the past 24+ years and the ones I'm still missing. (Which are numerous!) All or the I.A.S.A.C. bars/rounds and the varieties that the club has produced are at the heart of my collection. When I look at Steve Rood and Nancy Yee presentation bars on p.27, I can remember thinking the only way to earn one of those presentation bars is to serve the club as an officer/trustee. (Hint, hint, this is YOUR chance to earn one!)

Some of the pieces I added a long time ago. Others have been added only recently. The “Girl with Roses” tringot by Mount Everest Mint, the “Dr. Peeper's Physical Fitness Program by tne Money Co., the Silversword Productions pieces, the Mint "Sports series by Duane Spellman, the Robert E. Westfall bar, the World Wide Mint Coca Cola bars, and finally, the Trinity Mint enameled Hershey bars. Some of those are still in my col¬ lections, and others have come and gone. That’s life!

(continued on next page)


(continued from previous page)

The USSC book was issued for $2.50. The color of the cover is goldenrod. If I wasn't a Spartan, I might have called it maize or mustard. It has a “Hank Aaron" bar on the cover with a mintage of 714 and a current market value of $135.00.

The first few pages list what USSC has to offer as far as bars and rounds and the different obverses and reverses that were available. A couple of special rounds that were made are listed. They are the John Wooden round produced for the UCLA Athletic Association and Seagull Silver Company, and the John Morrison Birch round produced as a fund raiser for the John Birch Society. On page 5, the heading declares “The Start of It All- U.S.S.C.’s First Four Bars.”

The first two bars were the 25th anniversary of Israel (mintage-25,000) and the San Diego Zoo 1916-1973 (mintage-25,000). The thircfbar was ‘‘Sec- retariat-Triple Crown Winner” (mintage-20,000) minted for Danny B. Crabb, and the 4th bar was the “Boston Tea Party” (mintage 20,000/melted 7,000) produced for the Chattanooga Coin Company. After that comes the “Ecol¬ ogy Series" and the "Specialty Series” and the “Famous Women Series" ana the ... you get the idea.

The last few pages are a check list for all of the USSC products offered at that time. This old bibliophile found this book/pamphlet very interesting and was glad he had bid on it. I hope you see how deep the roots of silver art extend.

And this brings me to my final note.

This is my last “President’s Page” column. As I have mentioned in some of my past columns, my family has had to deal with some serious health prob¬ lems these past 2 years. They have not gone away. So, it is with great re¬ luctance that I had to withdraw from the 201 7 slate of officers which are to be elected. I will not be able to attend the annual meeting in Denver. Be¬ cause there were no nominations for officers, the new officers will be Jim Best-president, Randy Rush-vice president, Carrie Best-secretary/trea¬ surer, and Ed Lantz-historian. There will be a confirmation election held at the annual meetingin Denver These people are deeply devoted to the club and its well-being. They have become very dear friends. I wish them all the best! To all of you, take good care, and may the Lord bless you and keep you safe always.

For the last time from the old deputy, do enjoy our great hobby!

Denver, Colorado

Annual bar sales: 155 which 70 will be enameled.


VP Outlook

by Jim Best 863-644-0903

Well things are starting to fall in place for our annual meeting in Denver in August. I have requested from ANA a meeting room for a board meeting at 2:00 PM and general membership meeting at 3:00 PM on Friday, Aug 4. So if you are an officer or trustee please try to make every effort to attend as there are many items that need to be addressed. As of this time I have not received conformation, but will keep you posted.

From all reports the sales of this year’s club bar are at a near record total. The design is beautifully done and will make a great item for your CLUB collection. If you procrastinated and did not get your order submitted, look for the availability of this great bar in up¬ coming issues of the Silver Bugle.

Since there were no additional volunteers or nominations for the board of officers, there is NO election necessary. A vote of one (1) will be made by the secretary at the membership meeting and the officers will be sworn in. Those agreeing to run are Jim Best for President, Randy Rush for Vice President, Carrie Best for Secre¬ tary/Treasurer, and Ed Lantz as Historian. I will be making a rec¬ ommendation to the board for the replacement of Randy Rush, to complete his two year term as a trustee. This nominee will also be sworn in.

At the last Georgia Numismatic Show in Dalton, GA I was able to purchase 38 Coca-Cola bars (37 different), 14 Harley-Davidson bars in the original display box, and a Foster Mint “Eagles Nest” in the original box as well as some odds and ends of nice bars and rounds This is the first GREAT purchase I have been able to make in the past 2 years or so, I am very lucky.

If you have not submitted your guess for the Price of Silver Con¬ test, do so NOW, the deadline is July 14, with the closing market price on July 30th.

Last, I want to give a great big thanks to out-going president "Deputy Dog", Doug Jennings. Over the past many years he has given his all to the club and its membership, and his wisdom will carry on into the future. May the great Art Bar leader in the sky look down on you and yours. God Bless.

Hope to see many of you at the Denver meeting, it is your club and your support is always welcome.


Rest in Peace

Karl J. Urda - - Member # 542 passed away March 9, 2017


Price of Silver Contest





Please! !L

Send in your guess for the price of silver!!

Entries must be received or postmarked no later than July 14, 2017. Price of silver will be taken July 30. 2017 at close of business day. Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place closest guess!!

Your Name: _

Membership # _

Price of Silver Guess $ _

Please send your entry to:

Randy Rush P.O. Box 22 Lyerly, GA. 30730


Hear Ye! '

Hear Ye! !




NEW ISSUES Recently Released


by Carrie Best


Here are some of just a few new releases for the 2016-2017 year. These are all .999 fine silver pieces. Hope you guys enjoy!

3 oz Monarch Silver Skull Item Highlights:

Contains 3 oz of .999 pure silver. Hand-poured at Monarch Precious Metals.

Features a unique 3D design . Monarch Precious Metals has cre¬ ated a name for itself courtesy of its outside-the-box designs. The 3 oz Silver Skull Bar is a brand-new prod¬ uct from the mint that features a flat back and 3-dimensional image of a human skull on the opposite side . Each of the bars from Monarch is cre¬ ated using hand-poured techniques at the company's refinery.

2017 1 oz Niue Silver Athena Owl Stackable Coin (BU)

Coin Highlights:

Arrives in an individual flip, plastic tube of 20. mini boxes of 100 or monster boxes of 500! Stackable design I

Contains 1 Troy oz of 999 pure silver.

Issued a face value of $2 (NZD) by Niue. Obverse includes Queen Elizabeth ll's effigy. Reverse features a majestic Athenian Owl de¬ sign.

PAMP Suisse 5 oz. Silver Bar The obverse of the bar depicts Fortuna. the Roman Goddess of fate and luck. She is shown blindfolded and holding a cornucopia, signaling that she could bring good abundance. This Fortuna de¬ sign was the first decorative motif to ap¬ pear on a precious metals bullion bar. The reverse has the PAMP Suisse logo. 5 Troy oz. weight and 999 silver purity and a serial number imprinted

(continued on next page)



Recently Released

(continued from previous page)

2017 1 oz Armenian Silver Noah’s Ark Coin (BU)

Coin Highlights:

Arrives in a protective plastic flip, mint tube of 20, or wooden box of 500 coins. 7th issue of Armenian Silver Noah 'sArki Contains 1 Troy oz of .999 pure silver in BU condition.

Bears a face value of 500 Drams (Arme¬ nia) backed by the government of Arme¬ nia.

Obverse features the coat of arms for Ar¬ menia.

Reverse includes the Noah s Ark design. Designed by Eduard Kurghinyan

2017 Year of the Rooster

Rooster Silver Bars make the perfect collectible for anyone born under the Year of the Rooster (1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017). They exemplify the characteristics of people born in the Year of the rooster.

Apmex - loz, 5oz, lOoz

Great Britain


Perth Mint



Greetings lASAC’ers

(Reprinted from last issue as there is a lot of information for the meeting place)

August’s ANA show and our club meeting will soon be upon us. Sheraton is the ANA host hotel with rooms starting at $184. per night for ANA members. Might want to check to see if our IASAC club membership offers a discount.

I checked other hotel ratings on Trip Advisor. The hotels are in the $168 and up price range with the Hyatt being a bit higher. With a AAA membership, AARP, or similar, one can get discounted rates, usually.

Homewood Suites and the Embassy Suites offer complimentary breakfasts. Some of the hotels offer shuttle services and some have a pool and gym. I tried to keep the hotel locations within walking distance of the convention center. Be sure to double check the hotel address if you find one that you like on here or other sites to be sure.

I looked for a sampling from within the top 30 rated of over 152 hotels in the downtown Denver area. A lot of the top hotel ratings were located around Denver Airport which was too far from the convention center. I checked the prices from early August through the Saturday night of show.

I'm not recommending any one of these hotels, you'll have to research what best fits your individual needs. I didn't see any budget hotels (under $100) in the im¬ mediate walking area of downtown, so I didn't list any. Further outside the down¬ town area I'm sure are some nice hotels, but you'll have to research them. Some of the listed hotels are chains, some are independent.,, etc. are a good place to start.

Good Luck and looking forward to seeing old friends and new in Denver.

Ideas are:

The Four Seasons Hotel (expensive but looks nice)

The Oxford Hotel (local historic hotel)

Homewood by Hilton (550 15th St. - $169 and up)

Grand Hyatt Hotel (650 15th St. - $209 and up)

Renaissance Hotel (918 17th St.)

Grand Hyatt Denver (1750 Welton Street)

Hampton Inn

Embassy Suites (1420 Stout Street - $217 and up)

Hilton Garden Inn (1400 Welton St - $198 and up)

“The Curtis Denver” (Doubletree) - (1405 Curtis St - $256 and up) Westin Hotel Denver Downtown

Michelle Burke



...for the funny bone

by Randy Rush

Summertime Is Here!!

Three of the Backstreet Boys were going on a picnic on a summer day in a nice mini van. After a few hours they reached their destination point, middle of the desert, in Arizona, USA. The first guy got out of the van, opened the back, took out an um¬ brella and went to the top of a sand dune. A few seconds later second guy comes with a bottle of water and asked the first guy, ‘Why do you have an umbrella with you? " He replied, “If it gets hot and sunny, I'll Open it up. Same time he asked the second guy why did he have a bottle of water with him. The first guy said, “It will help me to prevent dehydrating myself if it gets too hot”. They were wondering why didn't the third guy come yet. A few minutes later the third guy comes with the front door of the mini van. First and second guy stared at him for a second and asked, ‘Why the heck. . . did you bring the door of the van? The third guy replied, “Idiots! This is summer. I brought the door because if it gets too hot, I could put the window down."

Dr. Cutter is the local Veterinarian, known for his wry humor. He surpassed himself one summer day when a city dog was brought to him after an encounter with a por¬ cupine. After almost an hour of prying, pulling, cutting and stitching, he returned the dog to its owner, who asked what she owed. "Fifteen dollars, ma'am," he answered. "Why that's simply outrageous!" she stormed. 'That's what's wrong with you Maine people, you're always trying to over charge summer visitors. Whatever do you do in the winter, when we're not being gypped here?" "Raise porcupines. Ma'am."

A child asked his father, "How were people bom?" So his father said, "Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on." The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, "We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now." The child ran back to his father and said, "You lied to me!" His father replied, "No, your mom was talking about her side of the family."

Q: Is Google male or female?

A: Female, because it doesn't let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion !!

Have a Great Summer and enjoy Denver!




Silver Art Collector is an online collection manager and research database for all those in the silver art collecting hobby. It is free to use and growing daily. We have a forum for community discussion and in¬ vite you to stop by and introduce your¬ self. Silver Art Collector is designed and run by collectors for collectors. We are members of IASAC and work closely with mint owners, collectors, authors and oth¬ ers in the hobby to grow and spread the word of silver art collecting to the internet.

Come by and check us out and create a free account to maintain your silver art collection, contribute to our growing re¬ search database, and join in the fun on the forums!


River City Coins & Jewelry LLC.

Mike Sprouse - Owner


713 Broadway - Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 CaU; 573*334*1108

Visit us on the web or our retail store in historic Cape Girardeau, Missouri (or a huge selection of coins, jewelry and art bars!

Our showcases and online stores stock rare silver art saved from the melting pots that would be a welcome addition to any collection!

Open since 1986 Mike Sprouse has built a reputation for honesty and fairness. Whether buying or selling a single art bar or a lifetime collection call Mike for a fair and accurate bid.

Shane Sprouse specializes in silver bullion, fine jewelry, watches, and electronic sales. We are especially interested in fine silver art, items of historical significance, and rare or unusual tokens, medals, and exonumia.










Brain Teaser

Winners will be selected from correct answers received on or before July 1 0, 2017.

Name _ # _

Mail to: Brainteaser, PO Box 5202, Lakeland, FL 33807-5202

Thanks to all those who sent in an answer to the last puzzle created once again by Carlton Dodge. Thanks, Carlton! The theme was “Denver" Congratulations to First place-Crystal A. Wilson-Thanks for the zigzag words, and your effort, Carlton., 2nd- Lynnae Clark, 3rd-Peggy Conrad-"Zigzag makes my eyes cross", 4th-Lacy Ender- son-"Thank you, that was fun", with 4 other entries: M F Kendrick, Glenn E Perry. Thomas Clark, Bruce Carlson-'Carlton outdid himself" and Bill Doty. Hope everyone continues to work the puzzles. Aquarium and Cheyenne were the zigzag words. Gold was the word found twice. Several people found AVS several times, also.

For your challenge this month, find these words relating to: ’’Denver Sights at the Denver ANA . Please find: ANA Pooh Bah, Art Bars, Auction, Banquet, Bests, Bourse, Bugle, Coins, Collector, Dealer, Double Die, Enameled, Englehard, Exhibits, Franklin Mint, Gold, IASAC, Ingots, Jennings, Jewelry, Judges, Lantz, Mailbids, Medals, Meeting, Mintage, Mintmark, Proof, Rainbow Toning, Rounds, Rush, Showcases, Silver, Sterling, Tokens, USSC.

Is there any word that appears twice?.


IASAC Officers and Trustees

Sec/Treas: Carrie Best

Trustee: William Doty

Trustee: Walter Thomas

President: Doug Jennings

Historian: Ed Lantz

Trustee: Mike Sprouse

Trustee: Randy Rush

Vice President: Jim Best

Trustee: Michelle Burke



By Ed Lantz



The September, 1988 issue of the Silver Bugle started out with Charles Nardi writing about having come across (4) Vi ounce Christmas Coke rounds, dated from 1975-1977 and asking if there were oth¬ ers. Duane Spellman responded that in 1975 Coke SH gave them to distributors and sold the remaining rounds for $9 each. Those 4 different Christmas Coke rounds were all they produced and not included in the Art Bar Guide because they were not part of the Art Bar Coke series. The only one ounce Coke round (New Orleans, WWM-69) was included in the art bar guide as it was part of the set. Duane speculated that New Orleans demanded a round because of the Mardi Gras Collectors.

Slivers of Silver (Ken Macomber), “1841” (Michael Graham), The Silver Mine (Harvey Chew), and The Mint (Duane Spellman) had full page ads. The 4th update to the art bar guide was included.

Bill Ca'ssin wrote a not to IASAC members to become more involved in the club to make it better and to add to the dues value for everybody.

(Note from Ed ) “This is true today as well. Volunteering to be an officer or trustee, writing about your experiences in this great hobby, unusual finds, new issues that come out in your community, etc. would be of interest to your fellow members”.

The November 1988 issue had full page ads from Slivers of Silver (Kenneth Macomber), Len Kruithof, Silvertips Ingots (Jim Best), The Silver Mine (Har¬ vey Chew), and The Mint (Duane Spellman).

The fifth update of the 4th edition art bar guide was included.

Donald Barsi wrote an interesting article about silver one ounce rounds or rectangles that are used as awards in coin clubs.

An article entitled “Medallic Portraits of the American Indian” was in this issue and was 10 pages long It was written by Patricia Janis Broder from the Colorado Springs Fine Art Center.

I believe that you would love to pay the prices that are listed in this edition of The Silver Bugle.

I wonder what we think about the prices in the 2017 editions 29 years from now.

(continued on following page)



By Ed Lantz

(continued from previous page)

As I reflect on our members over the past 32 years, I feel privileged to have known so many outstanding people. There were so many of them that loved IASAC and contributed a lot of time and money to insure that IASAC would continue well into the future. I am so grateful for them as my dream of a great organization to help collectors and dealers get together has lasted way longer than anybody thought it would. I really miss so many of those that have passed or just let their membership expire. We can only hope that you will want to continue your membership as you are alive to help IASAC stay a force in this wonderful hobby.

Our remaining IASAC Charter Members are as follows:

001 Ed Lantz 006 Will Rossman 01 1 Harvey Chew 016 Cecil Jackson 030 Len Kruithof 031 Ivan Rash 046 Ralph Steffen 062 Carl Roggero 065 Thomas Bales 085 Clarence Criswell 090 Bill Allen 091 Herbert Hulsizer 103 Edwin Bruce Strimple 160 Carlton Dodge

Spouses of deceased Charter Members Linda Spellman (Duane 75)

Fannie Kidd (Archie 116)

Lou Ann DeVries (Richard 105)


IASAC Treasury Update

Balance Forwarded





2016 Round Sales

2017 Bar Sales Advertising


Paypal fees:

Publishing Silver Bugle & Postage ANA-Showcase for Denver show 2017 Annual bar fees Postage






$8796.50 $15958.06

1.48 478.44 40.00 3059.60 4.76 $ 3584.28

Ending Balance as of May 10, 2017 bank statement $12,373.78

Carrie 'Best

T reasurer/Secretary

Thanks to those who doiu/ted merehandise or Cash: )l [dham ‘Allen, ‘PelheiT

'Bryant. 'Tamm y Qranados donated funds to offset the / mean fees for tins years ogi/ (Annual hat. ‘Tommy Cjranados, Jmi &S Carrie Best donated' finds from the sale of Tommy’s hats'

New members John Schettino and Barbara Beyer

ANA Membership

First of all, if you are a current member of the ANA, please send your mem¬ bership number to Carrie Best at We will receive a $5 discount on our ANA dues per member number provided. This year we paid only $25.00 instead of $75.00 due to ten people giving us their #’s.

If you are planning on attending the IASAC Convention in Denver, August 1-5, 2017 it will be to your advantage to join the ANA today. Just go to and sign up. If you were a previous member just use your old credentials or ask them to provide them. If you put in forgot user name it will be provided to you. If you forgot the password they will send you the link to change it. Then email Carrie and tell her what your ANA number is so we get the discount. The sooner the better as dues are due sometime in November each year.

Your ANA membership will get you into the coin show at no charge. ($8)

We are excited about having our 32nd Annual IASAC Convention in con¬ junction with the 125th ANA Money Show.

We hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!

Ed Lantz



International Association of Silver Art Collectors

The International Association of Silver Art Collectors (IASAC), established in 1985, is dedicated to the silver art bar and round hobbyist, collector, dealer and producer. All persons interested in this unique hobby are invited to join. The club regularly pub¬ lishes the newsletter The Silver Buale. providing some of the most interesting reading for you, the member. Not only do you receive advanced notice of new rounds and bars, you may also take advantage of specials offered by the many IASAC mem¬ ber-dealers. We also produce limited edition silver bars and rounds for our members and feature special contests for prizes. Isnt it time for you to take advantage of the benefits available as a member of IASAC?

I would like to become a member of the largest silver art club in the world, please enroll me today! Please Print





By accepting memberhsip in IASAC, I agree to abide by the byaws of the club and to act with integrity in all business transactions.



My Email is: _ d] May we publish your email?

Junior members, age 17 and younger are also welcomed, with permission of their parent or guardian. Junior members do not have voting rights and dues are half that of regular members.


Send check or money order

Mail to: IASAC, PO Box 5202, Lakeland, FL 33807-5202

Dues are $20 the first year; renewals are $1 5/year;

International rates are $30 first year; renewals are $20/year. or pay by PAYPAL via friends and family

IASAC has some older club rounds and bars still for sale!

Store items can be found on our website!


Classified Ads

WANTED: $5.00 2015 Canadian Maple Leaf with the “Heart” privy. Issued for the Fisher House Foundation, loz. Silver JM MTB statue of Liberty with no copyright on back. Hans Nagowski - #917,

780-453- 1 480 hansnag @

Bits & Pieces

Not much mail this time of year. Guess everyone was busy getting taxes done and getting ready for the summer months. I did get a note in with dues from Roger Smith. ‘Thanks a million for the reminder about dues.” I sent out reminders to those that t have emails for about dues not being paid for 20 1 7. If you ordered annual bars for 2017 and haven't paid your dues, we will not send you your bars until you pay up your dues. Roger also gave himself a reminder to check in with that crazy Doug Jennings to see how he’s doing. Hope you check on him since he's just down the road from you.

KEEP THE MAIL COMING. Let me know if there is anything you want included in the Bugle.


Membership Renewal

I would like to continue supporting the

International Association of Silver Art Collectors

Enclosed is a personal check or money order made payable to

International Association of Silver Art Collectors

Dues Annual Rate: $1 5/Domestic, $20/lnternational 1/2 ($) Junior aged 17 and under

Name: _ I AS AC # _

_ check here if you want a new membership card, and send a SASE.

No. years _ X $ _ dues = $ _ total due

my email address: _

(circle this if you do not want this published)

Mail renewal payments to:


PO Box 5202 Lakeland, FL 33807-5202

Pay by PayPal: via friends and familyino fees)




